FAQs and expert advice about wedding & engagement rings

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Q What advice can you share when it comes to finding the perfect wedding rings?
A The Expert says: When choosing the perfect wedding band, there are a few factors to consider. Firstly, the piece must match the same hardness of the metal your engagement ring is crafted in. For instance, platinum, palladium, gold and silver all differ on the scale. If you were to wear two different metals together, it could damage the softer ring over time. Therefore, ensure you pick the same durability as your engagement ring to avoid the rings scratching. Furthermore, you need to consider the design of your engagement ring, as you'll want this to be neatly stacked with the wedding band on your finger. This is possible with a traditional piece if your engagement ring is a standard round-cut single diamond or if you have a wed-fit style, where the rings are designed to fit next to a traditional wedding ring perfectly. However, if your stone is cut into a different shape, like a pear and marquise style or features a halo design, this may prevent the rings from sitting perfectly together. Therefore, you may need to opt for a different design, like a wishbone style. Try on different-shaped bands to ensure you find the right one.

Finally, the width of your wedding band should complement your finger size. The best width for women ranges between 1.6mm and 4mm, while men opt for anywhere between 4mm and 7mm. For women, it should complement the engagement ring as one too thick may draw attention away from your sparkling rock. Therefore, opt for a wedding band that has a similar width to your engagement ring for the perfect look.

The Expert, Sacet

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