FAQs and expert advice about celebrant

Here is a selection of Q&As from Your London Wedding magazine whether it be about flowers, hair and makeup, fashion, wedding themes, health & beauty, cakes, stationery, legal advice. If you would like your question answered by our experts, please email it to

Exchanging Vows

Exchanging Vows

Q We're looking to create a bespoke, heartfelt and meaningful wedding ceremony; what would you suggest?
A Charmian Todd says: Humanist wedding ceremonies are non-religious, inclusive, bespoke and meaningful – no two are the same. Each ceremony reflects a couple's values, personalities and style. I'll write and deliver a uniquely personalised ceremony about you, filled with joyfulness, to create a memorable ceremony that loved ones will enjoy.

With this type of ceremony, you aren't restricted to licensed venues either. You choose your special place to celebrate your love and commitment. This could be a fairytale castle, plush hotel, eco-friendly wedding venue, a beautiful park, a hilltop, your favourite field, the dappled shade of a woodland, a beautiful beach, or a bijoux best peeps bash in a back garden.

Your relationship is key with a celebrant. Crucially, you'll have time to invest in getting to know and feel comfortable with each other. For me, it starts with a free, no-obligation chemistry call. Once you've booked me, we have an in-depth planning session to discuss your hopes, dream wedding and any concerns. We'll keep talking so that your love story is brought to life and is just right for you. I offer you encouragement, inspiration, support and guidance. My role is a wonderful mixture of cheerleading, facilitation, pragmatism and storytelling. If this sounds like the kind of ceremony you'd like to have on your big day, contact me and learn more.

Charmian Todd, Charmian Todd: Humanist Celebrant

Exchanging Vows

Exchanging Vows

Q We're after a memorable celebrant-led wedding; what advice can you share?
A Zena Birch says: The most important thing when planning your celebrant-led wedding is choosing the right supplier who fits with you. Your ceremony should be the most fun and rewarding part of your wedding, and the work you'll do with your celebrant in the lead-up will last long after the day itself. Ensure you find a person you connect with, laugh with and trust. Then, you can enjoy the special day yourselves!

Your celebrant will want to get to know you to create a unique ceremony filled with what is important to you both, so let them. Go out for a drink with the supplier, but don't be self-editorial in what you share with them. Let them into your lives so they can learn your idiosyncrasies, stories, as well as who and what is important to you. In return, you'll get an unforgettable ceremony for you and guests. The joy will spill out into the rest of your day and make everything seem slightly more important, heightened and filled with magic.

Zena Birch, Zena Birch weddings

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